Thank you for your interest in writing for JESSMOBOOKS Digital Magazine. We are a new Christian-based digital magazine highlighting aspiring writers, independent and established authors, industry professionals and literary leaders who have paved the way in the world of literature. We look to publish debut and emerging writers, poets and artists. Our stories connect to reading enthusiasts, and passionate artists who either dream of producing significant content for the world, or have already done so. Our audience consists of the avid reader to the scholarly collector who value the creativity throughout the text, treasures the skill within the writing, and can truly appreciate a really good book. We seek writing and art that is unexpected, striking, and moving.
We are a periodical, subscription-based online magazine. Enjoy our issues for free! Subscribe Today!
This document serves as a visual style guide for article submissions. We appreciate it when a draft follows these tips before submission. For content guidelines, click the link at the end of this document.
For details on our Feel the Faith book series, please Click Here and Submit Your Testimony!
Original Content
In submitting work to JESSMOBOOKS Digital Magazine, authors agree to the policies of this magazine, including free access and use of the material published in it with, of course, proper acknowledgment of authorship and source. If your article (or a version of your article) has already been published on another site, please let us know. Generally, we publish original work, but we will consider reprinting articles or running a revised version. In any case, we'll want to know up front whether your submission has or will also appear elsewhere. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission for the use of any copyrighted material, including images, sound, and video files. It is preferable to place images directly in the text but, when permission is unobtainable, it is acceptable to include a link to the image directly in the text.
An e-mail message with the article as an attachment to JESSMOBOOKS Digital Magazine should be sent to jessmobooksllc@gmail.com. Use "Magazine Submission" as the subject in the email address block. The message should include (1) author’s name, (2) the title of the article, (3) an abstract of no more than 150 words (or the statement: "Submission for Book Review"), and (4) relevant information about the author, including affiliation, social media handles, and e-mail address. We accept Book Reviews, Interviews, Articles, Spotlights (i.e. for Products/Books and Events), and Poetry.
Document Format
We accept articles in Word (.doc or .docx) files, we do not accept PDF, ZIP or TeX files. Images should be in .jpg, .png or .tif format. If you submit a link to a Google document, do not revise the document after you submit it. We will download and edit the draft from Google docs, so we won't see your changes.
Save all images as files and attach to your submission email. Use descriptive terms when naming your images, and include the name in the article draft where you want the image placed. Finally, along with the files, send image attribution information for EACH file: who is the photo by, and what is the license?
Licensing: We will consider licensing options similar to a Creative Commons By ShareAlike license and/or on a case-by-case basis.
Links: All links are subject to the approval of our editorial team. We focus on articles and stories that inform and relate to the literary world and its communities. You may provide a backlink to your company and/or product. Although a product pitch should not be the sole intention of your article, there may be a great story about how you're using or giving back at your organization that we'd love to help you tell.
We strive to publish articles in a timely manner after they are reviewed, edited, and prepared for publication by our editorial team, while also managing our calendar and maintaining a steady cadence. If it is important to you that an article is published by or on a certain date, or if it contains information under embargo until a certain date, please share this with the editorial team during your initial communication.