About Feel the Faith
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. ~Hebrews 11:1
The Feel the Faith book series is by and for women with a desire to heal and grow deeper in their walk. Every person goes through specific trials in their lives; these trials become our testimonies meant to strengthen us and empower others who are going through similar struggles. Feel the Faith asks, "How have you transitioned from pain to purpose?"
Feel the Faith stories are written from the heart, and from the writer’s point of view. The stories are not written to just talk to us, but to paint a vivid picture of what life was like. They are filled with emotion, courage, and truth. We want stories that will cause the reader to truly feel your pain, fear, sorrow, laughter, love, comfort, peace, and joy.
Stories of Despair and Empowerment
But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, ~1 Peter 3:15
When asked, most women can tell you of a wonderfully loving childhood that they've had; however, some may confess a traumatic experience as a little girl, teen, or young adult. Many of these women become mothers who continue to deal with a hurtful past while trying to be the best parent they can be to their children. By vocalizing these experiences, we can express more empathy which will help us understand their circumstances, what brought them out of despair, and what helped them through it. We are looking for personal encounters that have taken you to your lowest valley and have brought you to your highest peak through faith as tiny as a mustard seed.
We Welcome Your Testimonies!
I will also speak of your testimonies before kings and shall not be put to shame, ~Psalm 119:46
Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, ~2 Timothy 1:8
Feel the Faith stories are inspirational, true stories about ordinary women who have gone through or are going through extraordinary experiences. They are more than just true stories, but testaments of the struggles they have experienced in life. They are heart-warming and invoke the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. They are life lessons that can be taught to those living through similar situations and can find solace.
As a series of faith-based books featuring real stories of real women worldwide—those who have experienced personal struggles of abuse, pain, poverty, racism, sexism, etc, these stories are your testimonies because they are true stories of how you've overcome your struggles with God in the midst of it, whether you felt His presence from the very beginning, middle, or end of your specific journey.
Guidelines for Submissions
“Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” ~Luke 8:39
Currently, we are looking for personal stories and/or poetry that deals with individual struggles: spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and addictions.
Tell a truthful, heart-warming story about who you are and what has happened to you. The story should be written from your perspective and should be about yourself and/or someone close to you.
Don't be afraid to speak from the heart. Allow the words that you write to be a cathartic and productive experience. You can use a pen name for the story if you don't want to use your real name.
Keep the tenses as they happened, whether past or present.
Please keep your story to 800 words or less. Keep it relevant.
These stories are your testimonies. Always be ready to explain your hope as a believer. Think about what you would say to another woman enduring the pain, abuse, or struggles you've been through. How do you give them a word of encouragement? To guide you through the writing process, answer these three simple questions:
My Life Before Christ. Share about who you depended on and when did it all start to change or let you down.
How I came to Christ. When did you first hear the gospel? When or why did your perspective begin to change toward Christ? What was the final struggle that led you to acceptance?
My life after coming to know and follow Christ. How is your life different now? Give specific changes in your character, attitude, and perspective. What motivates you now? What do you live for? Even though your life still isn't perfect, how does knowing Christ help you deal with it?
Think of a bible verse that helped you through or one that comes to mind as you go through the writing process.
Consider some of the women from the bible; who would you relate to most?
Guidelines for Feel the Faith Poems
If you are writing a poem, it should tell a story. The reader should be able to understand who you are through your poetry or prose.
Do not focus on trying to rhyme. Allow your prose to flow, whether it rhymes or not.
Grammar and Spelling
Articles for submission must be previously unpublished and well-written, and we encourage grace as well as clarity. The process is expedited when writers make an effort to carefully proofread and apply proper grammar and spelling to drafts before submission; however, our editorial team will give each article a thorough copy edit for grammar, spelling, formatting, style, and more.
Document Format
We accept articles in Word (.doc or .docx) files, we do not accept PDF, ZIP or TeX files. If you submit a link to a Google document, do not revise the document after you submit it. We will download and edit the draft from Google docs, so we won't see your changes.
If we publish your story or poem, you will receive a free copy one month after the publication of the book your story or poem appears in. You will also become part of the Feel the Faith family. Thank you!
Please email your story submissions to JessMoBooksllc@gmail.com using the subject: Feel the Faith: Pain to Power
Also include your name, age, country/city/state, and contact info (phone, email, address, social media)